
Publisher: New York, Harper & Brothers [ All ]

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  Title Copies
A Guidebook to the Bible 
Year: 1948 
Call No: 22.01 PAR 
Customs and cultures : Anthropology for christian missions 
Year: 1954 
Call No: 266.1 NID 
Eighty adventurous years; an autobiography 
Year: 1955 
Call No: A 27.091 EDD/1e 
God's good news 
Year: 1955 
Call No: A 252.2 KEN 
Meditations of the heart 
Year: 1953 
Call No: A 248 THU 
Meditations on the gospel of St. John 
Year: 1955 
Call No: A 226.5 WES 
On Christianity : Early Theological Writings / Translatet by T. M. Knox / With an introduction, and fragments translated / by Richard Kroner 
Year: 1948 
Call No: 21 HEG 
Pascal's Pensées : Translated with an introduction by Martin Turnell 
Year: 1962 
Call No: A 84 PAS 
Pastoral Psychiatry 
Call No: A 253.1 BON 
Protestant thought before Kant 
Year: 1961 
Call No: 27.03 MCG