
Publisher: Elkhart IN, Institute of Mennonite Studies [ All ]

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  Title Copies
By Faith They Went Out : Mennonite Missions 1850-1999 
Year: 2000 
Call No: 286.156 SHE 
Vision - a Journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2000, Vol. 1, No. 1 : Spirituality 1-1 
Call No: A 050 VIS 1-1 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2009, Vol. 10, No. 2 : Testimony 2009-2 
Call No: 050 VIS 2009-2 
Reformers, radicals. revolutionaries : Anabaptism in the context of the Reformation conflict 
Year: 2012 
Call No: 286 FRI 
Vision - a Journal for Church and Theology - Spring 2001, Vol. 2 : Communion 2-1 
Call No: A 050 VIS 2-1 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2016 : Body 2016-2 
Call No: 050 VIS 2016-2 
Without Spot or Wrinkle : Reflecting Theologically on the Nature of the Church 
Year: 2000 
Call No: 260 KOO 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2011 : Baptism into Christian vocation 2011-2 
Call No: 050 VIS 2011-2 
Vision - A Journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2004 : Power and leadership 5-2 
Call No: A 050 VIS 5-2