
Publisher: Elkhart IN, Institute of Mennonite Studies [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Vision - A Journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2003 : Catechesis 4-2 
Call No: A 050 VIS 4-2 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2018 : Gifts of a global church 2018-2 
Call No: 050 VIS 2018-2 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Spring 2018 : The church and young adults 2018-1 
Call No: 050 VIS 2018-1 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2015 : Technology 2015-2 
Call No: 050 VIS 2015-2 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2017 : Proclaiming Christ in a Pluralistic Context 2017-2 
Call No: 050 VIS 2017-2 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Spring 2017 : Faith and politics 2017-1 
Call No: 050 VIS 2017-1 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2016 : Body 2016-2 
Call No: 050 VIS 2016-2 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Spring 2016 : Discernement 2016-1 
Call No: 050 VIS 2016-1 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Spring 2015 : Sabbath 2015-1 
Call No: 050 VIS 2015-1 
Vision - A journal for Church and Theology - Fall 2014 : Joy 2014-2 
Call No: 050 VIS 2014-2