
Publisher: Elkhart, Indiana [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Mission Focus Annual Review, Volume 17 : Mennonites in China Centenary; Mennonite World Conference Asuncion 2009; Role of Churches in Post-Apartheid Africa; Document - GMF-MWC Integration; Book Reviews... 2009 
Year: 2009 
Call No: A 050 MIF 2009 
Mission Focus Annual Review, Volume 16 : The Transfomation of Society - Adapting Wolof Values to the Scriptures; Mission Paternalism Factor in Self Reliance of Congo Mennonite Brethren Church; Emergencia Inigena and Accompaniment; Recovering a Parad 
Year: 2008 
Call No: A 050 MIF 2008 
Mission Focus Annual Review, Volume 15 : Tiessen, Terrance: "Salvation and the Religions: An Accessibilist Perspective"... 2007 
Year: 2007 
Call No: A 050 MIF 2007 
Mission Focus Annual Review, Volume 6 : Sawatsky, W.: New Concerns about Proselytism in Contemporary Mission; ... 1998 
Year: 1998 
Call No: A 050 MIF 1998 
Mission Focus Annual Review, Volume 5 : Lapp, John A.: Taking the Global Church Seriously; Heisy, Nancy R.: Partnership in the Gospel; Biblical Vision;.... 1997 
Year: 1997 
Call No: A 050 MIF 1997 
Mission Focus Annual Review, Volume 4 : Rutschman, Tom: A Parable; Romeijn, Gerritt Jan a. Graaf, Jaap de: Drop-in Center;... 1996 
Year: 1996 
Call No: A 050 MIF 1996 
Mission Focus Annual Review, Volume 3 : Scoville, Gordon: Culture Against Christ: Church Planting as Exodus from Christendom; Thiessen, Mary: How Many Stories in Urban Mission?: An Invitation to Reflection... 1995 
Year: 1995 
Call No: A 050 MIF 1995 
Mission Focus Annual Review Volume 2 : Heisey, Nancy R.: Introductory Comments: Fundamentalism and Mission; Chrispal, Ashish: Religious Fundamentalism and a Christian Response... 1994 
Year: 1994 
Call No: A 050 MIF 1994 
Mission Focus Annual Review, Volume 1 : Barrett, Lois: Mission and the Ethnic Church; ... 1993 
Year: 1993 
Call No: A 050 MIF 1993 
2006 Mission Focus Annual Review, Volume 14 : J.J. Hanciles: Transformation Within Global Christianity and the Western Missionary Enterprise; ... 2006 
Year: 2006 
Call No: A 050 MIF 2006